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As opposed to the typical faction system, the Alignment system is designed to assist in PvP and RP. It is a guild-based notoriety system for guildmasters to align with certain factions of NPC's. Once aligned, you will flag as an enemy (orange) worldwide to members of all opposing alignments. Like-aligned players will not be flagged ally (green) unless they are in the same guild or an allied guild. Like-aligned NPC mobs will appear green, as they are your allies and will not attack you.

There are 9 Alignments to choose from:

  • Order
  • Chaos
  • Brigand
  • Counsel
  • Militia
  • Orc
  • Pirate
  • Savage
  • Undead

Cross Healing

While your character is aligned to any of the above, only other player characters sharing your alignment will be able to perform beneficial actions on you.

NPC Factions


Order Knights of Lord British's castle.


Chaos Knights of Lord Blackthorne's castle.


Lich Lord
Evil Mage
Evil Mage Lord
Council Member
Council Elder
Lord/Lady Guardian
Ancient Lich


Brigand Archer
Brigand Leader


Militia Cannoneer
Militia Fighter
Militia Guard


Pirate Deckhand
Pirate Wench
Pirate Captain


Savage Shaman
Savage Rider
Savage Witch Doctor


Wraith Riders
Bone Knight
Bone Knight Lord
Bone Magi
Bone Magi Lord<be>

Factions and Hero/Evil

Introduced in December, 2000, the Faction System is a broad game system designed to promote organized player conflict within the society of Britannia. The fundamental goal of the conflict is to provide a foundation for player conflict based upon meaningful and contextual combat and conflict-related interactions. The system is designed to encourage the inclusion of a wide array of player types through the use of game mechanics that appeal to a broad set of play-styles.

The Factions

There are four factions:

  • Minax: The followers of Minax have taken control in the old lands, and intend to hold it for as long as they can. Allying themselves with orcs, headless, gazers, trolls, and other beasts, they seek revenge against Lord British, for slights both real and imagined, though some of the followers wish only to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting populace.
  • Council of Mages: The council of Mages have their roots in the city of Moonglow, where they once convened. They began as a small movement, dedicated to calling forth the Stranger, who saved the lands once before. A series of war and murders and misbegotten trials by those loyal to Lord British has caused the group to take up the banner of war.
  • The Shadowlords: The Shadow Lords are a faction that has sprung up within the ranks of Minax. Comprised mostly of undead and those who would seek to be necromancers, they pose a threat to both the sides of good and evil. Their plans have disrupted the hold Minax has over Felucca, and their ultimate goal is to destroy all life.
  • True Britannians: True Britannians are loyal to the throne of Lord British. They refuse to give up their homelands to the vile Minax, and detest the Shadowlords for their evil ways. In addition, the Council of Mages threatens the existence of their ruler, and as such they have armed themselves, and prepare for war with all.

Faction Strongholds

The Faction strongholds are located at the following locations:

  • Minax: A stone fortress carved in Dragonhame Mountain, southeast of Skara Brae.
  • Council of Mages: The old Parliament Building in the southeast corner of Magincia.
  • The Shadowlords: The crypts in the Deep Forest, east of Yew Moongate.
  • True Britannians: Castle Britannia in the center of the city of Britain.

Joining a Faction

To join a faction, you must use the faction's Join Stone, at the entrance of their faction base.

Kill Points

Earning Kill Points

Factioners are able to freely aggress enemy faction members. By defeating faction enemies in battle, you gain Kill Points. The following rules apply to kill points:

  • The killer takes 10% of the victim's kill points (rounded down).
  • If the victim has 0 kill points, the killer will still receive 1 kill point. However, the victim will gain 1 deficit point.
  • If the victim has 6 deficit points (or -6 kill points), the killer will no longer receive any kill points.

Kill Point Decay

Kill point decay may occur once every 47 hours. Kill point decay works as follows:

  • If you have killed an enemy factioner within the 47 hours window, you will be considered 'active'. Active factioners do not undergo kill point decay.
  • If you are inactive, you lose 10% of your kill points (rounded up).
  • Kill points lost due to decay are redistributed among the active factioners in the same faction.

Friendly Fire

Killing a faction will result in a loss of 50% of your kill points.

Faction Ranks

Kill points determine your rank in the faction. The top 1% players with the most kill points attain the highest rank in that faction. All ranks are given below:

Rank Score Minax Council of Mages Lord British Shadowlords
1 Below 20% Defiler Mystic Defender Servant
2 20% - 39% Defiler Mystic Defender Servant
3 40% - 49% Defiler Mystic Defender Servant
4 50% - 59% Executioner Diviner Sentinel Keeper of Lies
5 60% - 69% Executioner Diviner Sentinel Keeper of Lies
6 70% - 79% Executioner Diviner Sentinel Keeper of Lies
7 80% - 89% Warlord Luminary Crusader Bringer of Sorrow
8 90% - 94% Warlord Luminary Crusader Bringer of Sorrow
9 95% - 99% Dread Knight Archon of Principle Knight of Virtue Agent of Evil
10 99.1% - 100% Avenger of Mondain Inquisitor of the Council Knight of the Codex Purveyor of Darkness

Temporary Stat Loss

When slain by an enemy factioner, you will suffer temporary stat loss. All your skills will be reduced by 33%. After 20 minutes, your skills will return to normal.

Town Conquest

There are 8 cities that can fall under the control of a faction. Every city has a townstone and a town pedestal within its limit.

  • Britain
  • Skara Brae
  • Magincia
  • Delucia
  • Minoc
  • Moonglow
  • Trinsic
  • Yew

To capture a town, you must:

Faction System Murder Reprieve

The faction murder reprieve will be a one-time reduction in the various types of murder counts that a murderer may have accumulated. This reprieve will be given only when a murderer who has not previously received a faction-related reprieve first joins a faction. The reprieve will carry the consequence of regaining all of your prior murder counts should the character become labeled as a murderer once again (i.e.: they get 5 or more short-term counts). This reprieve will only be offered for one month after it is published, after which the reprieve code will be disabled.

To get the reprieve, the murder must join the faction (as described in the faction system document) through the faction stone. Note this means murderers will not be able to join the Council of Mages or True Britannians factions unless they are part of a guild whose guild leader is able to get to the faction stone and join the faction.

Murderers who have more than five short-term or long-term murder counts who receive a reprieve will be set to four short-term and long-term murder counts and automatically become “blue”. Murderers whose “ping-pong” counter is 4 or greater will have that counter set to four. The system will retain the previous short-term, long-term, and ping-pong for these characters and should a reprieved murderer become a murderer again, all of these counts will be set to their original numbers.


Around the time of our target era, Publish 13.6, Factions and Hero/Evil were merged. The True Britannians and Council of Mages factions will be considered "Hero" factions. The Shadowlords and Order of Minax factions will be considered "Evil" factions. All four factions will still be at war with one another, in addition to being integrated with the Hero/Evil system.

Killing faction characters who are in your own faction will incur a penalty. The killer in this case will lose 50% of his current kill points, lose 100% of the lifeforce accumulated, and be able to be reported as a murderer. An exception to this will be the killing of guild mates, thus allowing characters to spar with guild mates. Another exception is that if your character is attacked by another, you are allowed to defend yourself with impunity.

Faction characters will gain lifeforce equal to 20% of the life force of the character killed, and that character who was killed will lose an equal amount of lifeforce points.

Faction characters will gain 1 lifeforce point for each faction enemy monster that the character kills.

The maximum number of lifeforce attainable is 100 points.

Players will be able to spend lifeforce points toward special Hero/Evil powers. Players will be able to use a special phrase ("I invoke my good powers," for Hero characters, and "I invoke my evil powers," for Evil characters) to bring up a special menu through which they may control the following effects:

Colored Armor (5 lifeforce points; duration is permanent; turns an article of armor or clothing white for Hero, black for Evil) (items which have been turned "Hero" or "Evil" will only be equipable by someone in the appropriate faction.)

Detect Evil/Detect Good (1 lifeforce point; duration is immediate; allows Hero character to scan the area for Evil, and Evil to scan for good)

Summon familiar (10 lifeforce points; duration is 30 minutes; allows the character to summon a familiar to fight for the character, silver wolf for Hero or dark wolf for Evil)

Silver Steed/Dark Steed (30 lifeforce points; duration is 30 minutes; creates a silver steed for Hero character to ride, or dark steed for Evil character)

Holy Shield/Unholy Shield (40 lifeforce points; duration is 60 minutes; character is ignored by all monsters and faction guards while this power is active)

Evil characters will not automatically hue red, and any Evil character who kills a blue innocent may gain a murder count. The faction system hue will be in effect to handle aggression and flagging.