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Poisoning allows you to apply poison to things like food or bladed weapons. Poisoning skill can also increase your chance to cast a higher level of poison as a mage, depending on distance from your target. At GM poisoning, you have a small chance to cast Deadly Poison on a target if you are within 2 tiles of them. Poison can be applied to a piece of cloth to make poison rags, which are used with bows to shoot poison arrows.

Your chance to apply the level of poison on a bladed weapon is equal to your skill level, otherwise you will apply one level lower. So you are able to poison with arrows and poisoned rags with 0.0 poisoning, but the poison applied will be less effective.

Note* You can not keep a pre-casted spell target up while firing a poisoned arrow. The spell will be cancelled upon firing.


Use the poisoning skill, target the poison potion and finally target the weapon. On every successful hit you have a chance to inflict poison on your opponent.

Every time you hit with a poisoned weapon, whether it inflicts poisons or not, one poison charge is consumed.

Training Poisoning

  • 0-45 Lesser poison
  • 45-65 Normal poison
  • 65-GM Greater poison

You can use Deadly Poison potions to GM faster but it is much more expensive that way.

Magery and Poisoning

If you are within 2 tiles of your combatant you have a 25% chance to cast deadly poison at GM Poisoning.

Poisoned Arrows

On Angel Island, arrows can be poisoned using poisoned rags. This is not available on Siege Perilous. For more information, see: Poison Arrows

Curing Poison

Here are the various methods for curing poison and their chance to cure based on the strength of the poison:

Cure Potion - 100% 75% 50% 15% 0% (lesser, regular, greater, deadly, lethal) Greater Cure Potion - 100% 100% 100% 75% 25% (lesser, regular, greater, deadly, lethal)

Cure Spell - 100% 100% 100% 37.5% 0%(lesser, regular, greater, deadly, lethal) Arch Cure Spell - 100% 100% 100% 90% 50% (lesser, regular greater, deadly, lethal)

Siege Perilous

Weapons can be poisoned as normal - Use the poisoning skill, target the poison potion and finally target the weapon. On every successful hit you have a chance to inflict poison on your opponent.

The chance to inflict poison now depends on the poisoning skill of the player who poisoned the weapon. This chance is roughly "Poisoning skill / 4". A GM poisoned weapon will poison 25% of all hits.

Note: Poison hits are "predictably random" rather than fully random.

As always, every time you hit with a poisoned weapon, whether it inflicts poisons or not, one poison charge is consumed.


When you poison your opponent, your weapon will be afflicted with the "corrosion" effect. Your weapon breaks much quicker when it is corroding. You can identify corrosion by using Arms Lore on the weapon. You can remove corrosion by cleaning your weapon with an oil cloth. Note: Using oil cloth on your weapon will also remove any remaining poison charges.

  • Note that the oil cloth now has a limited number of uses.