• Napster music:
    You can now mark your music as 'Napster' which allows you to freely share it with any other players.
    It works like this. Galois composes a piece of music and gives it to Evil Manfred. Evil Manfred can now add it to his Music Box for playback at any time.
    Unlike other Music Box content, Napster tracks are not made globally available. You will need to get a copy from the author.
    You enable Napster mode by adding the following comment at the top of your work:
    # The Decisive Battle FFVI, performed by a sheep: Jan 2022
    # Author: a sheep
    # Song: The Decisive Battle FFVI
    # Instrument: lute
    # Tempo: 100
    # Prefetch: false
    # NewTimer: true
    # Napster: true
  • Music Recorder:
    You can now 'record' your Razor scripts directly to a music composition book. The general format is:
    [MusicRecorder start
    <play your Razor music macro>
    [MusicRecorder stop
    <Target music composition book>
    Note: The recorder isn't recording sounds, so you can't pilfer someone else's music. The recorder simply grabs and saves the [play commands (and lyrics) sent to the music player.
  • Automatically tamed hatched pets now have a 100% success chance of being retamed by the owner (after release/going wild).
  • Raw fish steaks are now a deedable commodity.
  • Blanks scrolls are now a deedable commodity.
  • Boats now properly stop moving after completing a "<direction> one" command.
  • You may now access the township gump from anywhere *within* your township. Use the "[township" (otherwise "[ts") command to open the township gump.
  • Township Stockpiles:
    Store boards, ingots and granite in the township's stockpile. View your township's stockpile in the township gump (open the stockpile page).
    Stockpiled resources are consumed during township craft.
  • Added township NPC options. Access these options via:
    1. The "Manage" button the in "Manage NPCs" page in the township gump.
    2. The "Contract Options" context menu entry on the township NPC itself.
    The following options are available:
    1. Move: Move your township NPC to another position within the same house.
    2. Enable/Disable Wander: Make your township NPC either remain stationary or wander about.
    3. Dismiss: Dismiss your NPC. The NPC will be deleted and NOT redeeded!
  • Music System:
    new [play config parm chatter
    [play chatter false
    Turns off * plays a tune *
  • Townships no longer return Bankers when clicking the AnimalTrainer Deed.
  • Added a new IsBlocked() function which is called from Help Stuck… (I know if you’re *really* stuck!)
    Additionally, if you Help Stuck, I will try to locate a valid path from where you are standing, and pace you there. If you are truly blocked, you will get the teleport town list.
  • Turn off Wind exit teleporters at the entrance.
  • Malas is now PvP friendly.
  • All award instruments have been updated to support the new music system.

Last edited by Adam Ant; 02/23/2022 2:36 AM.