• [bug fix] Bulk Order Books now display their assigned name on single-click.
  • [content] Recall runes inside a runebook can now be rearranged using the runebook gump (without having to drop the runes).
  • [content] Moonstones can now be renamed using their context menu: Single-Click -> Inscribe.
  • [content] The description of recall runes is now automatically set when marking them (if possible). Example: You mark a recall rune in Britain - The description of the recall rune will be automatically set to "Britain".
  • Block access to various ‘baby green acres’ locations.
  • [bug fix] Fix a bug in Investigative AI that was allowing mobiles to open locked doors via a proxy.
  • Note: Next time you try to play your Award harp (battle of the bards winners) it will ask what instrument you wish to play. Just target the harp itself and it will then remember this.
    (This was due to an update to the way in which the RazorInstrument base class manages the default instrument (needed for the upcoming MusicBoxes.))