Angel Island Community
Posted By: Adam Ant Patch notes 3/28/2022 - 03/28/2022 4:29 PM
  • Township: "Remove Thyself":
    Since townships can construct 'stuck spots', we've added the ability for players to issue the command "Remove Thyself" to eject one's self from a township.
    You will be ejected to a random location along the perimeter of the township.
    a. Can only be used once every 30 minutes
    b. You cannot use this if you are a member or ally of the township.
    c. you cannot use this if you are a criminal.
  • Consensual PvP system is ON.
  • Township Trees:
    Added about 40 new trees including:
    Red Walnut trees (rare’ish)
    Cypress trees
    Fruit trees, both with and without fruit.
    And a bunch of ‘bare’ trees. Don’t be fooled, some of the bare trees are magnificent looking, many of which you’ve probably never seen. The ancient willow is just lovely.
    Notes on tree seeds:
    When you get a seed off a reaper, it will have a name, this will help you sort them.
    Once you grow that seed into a tree, the seeds gathered from that tree will not have names but will reproduce the exact tree that dropped them.
    For instance, if you get a ‘bare tree seed’ off a Reaper, it can sprout any one of about 33 different ‘bare’ trees. However, the seeds gathered from that tree will always be for that same tree. Don’t lose track of this. (the seedbox update should help)
  • Casks of Water and Liquor:
    Casks of Water and Liquor are now available on the Farmer NPC.
    The water is obvious, makes watering your plants easy
    The Liquor is used to remove all genetic colors from plants and decorative plants.
    Known Issue: you cannot currently ‘bleach’ a plant that was grown in a house or backpack. That will be fixed in the next patch.
© Angel Island Community