Angel Island Community
Posted By: Adam Ant Patch notes 3/17/2022 - 03/17/2022 11:38 PM
  • [content] Township Plant System:
    You can now plant plants directly in your township. You will tend to them just like you usually do inside your house or backpack.
    What you will need:
  • Seed
  • Fertile Dirt
  • 6 measures of water
  • Township builder tool
    When you have all your supplies, and you are in your township, just double-click the builder tool. From the menu on the left select Gardening.
    You'll then select 'plants' in the right pane.
    Your hole will be dug, seed planted, and watered.
    From this point on, you will tend to it daily just like any other potted plant. Double click the dirt patch (or sprout, or plant,) to learn of its health.
    When you finally decide to convert the plant to 'decorative', shift-clicking it will allow you to remove it from township control, i.e., you can sell it, give it away, decorate your home with it.
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