Angel Island Community
Posted By: Adam Ant Patch notes 2/9/2022 - 02/09/2022 5:31 PM
  • Music System:
    Add ‘note offsets’ (for lack of a better term)
    allow you to use multiple instruments on a single line.
    Using Multiple Instruments
    Here's an example Razor Script using multiple instruments within the same line, so the "accompaniment" (a rather unimaginative rendition of the repeating g-sharps and c-sharps from the Chariots of Fire theme) can be on the standing harp, while the melody is on the lap harp (note the +cs, +fsh, etc):
    say '[play newtimer true'
    say '[play prefetch false'
    say '[play tempo 90'
    say '[play instrument harp'
    say '[play csl 0.1 csl 0.1 csl 0.1 csl 0.1'
    wait 800
    say '[play csl 0.1 csl 0.1 csl -0.01 +cs 0.1 csl 0.1'
    wait 800
    # Note 3 against 2 rhythm
    say '[play csl -0.01 +fsh 0.08 csl -0.07 +gsh -0.15 csl -0.15 +ash -0.07 csl 0.1'
    wait 800
    say '[play csl -0.01 +gsh 0.08 csl 0.1 csl 0.1 csl 0.1'
    wait 800
    say '[play csl -0.01 +fh 0.08 csl 0.1 csl 0.1 csl 0.1'
  • Music Karma:
    Musicians may now access the full array of sounds in the Ultima Online client. There some 1,400 + sounds available.
    Due to the ability to abuse this powerful feature, you must have Music Karma of at least 1000 to unlock the sounds.
    Players gain 100 MK for each song sold, and 100 MK for submitting a song which is subsequently *approved*.
    Song IDs are just that, integer values. We are preparing a table of sound IDs for the Wiki.
    The format for playing one of these sounds is:
    [play +63
    63 is the decimal value for the ‘glass break’ sound, which if you are creative can add a nice little accent to a song.
  • TownshipSettings: Added ReqGuildedPercentage: Sets the required percentage of guilded houses to unlock township building.
  • Fix a bug when the owner of a house is null
  • Animal Trainer will no longer give directions to nonexistent creatures (off spawners)
© Angel Island Community