• New Guard AI:
    I rewrote most the criminality code and updated NPC and Guard AI accordingly.
    he new criminality system works similarly to the old system except the new system introduces a concept of the Scene Of The Crime. Now, only NPCs that are in preceptive range of the SOTC may call guards. If you manage to pull off a criminal act and there is no NPCs around to witness it, you are scot-free. i.e., If you perform a criminal act and initially get away with it, walking within in preceptive range of NPCs won’t get you guard whacked.
    Read about the full system here
  • Releasing dangerous creatures in town is now a criminal act.
  • Guards were complaining to the guard captain about citizens continually popping their trapped pouches. The Captain told the guards to just deal with it.
  • Add additional checks and exploit mitigation when Meteor Swarm is cast on a house.
    The system looks at exploitive behaviors and will auto-jail those that employ them.
  • Human creatures are no longer bardable
    Most of the humanoid creatures on Angel Island are guardians of one sort or another: Angry Miners protect the ore, Adam and Jade protect the lich, Pirates protect the treasure, Savages protect the Basilisk, etc..They are no longer bothered by your bardic nonsense. Save it for the dragons and titans.
  • Talia bug: Why do i come out of hiding when my summoned demon kills a monster?
    Fixed. Now when your tame auto-exits a control order mode like Kill, Follow, etc.. you will not be revealed.
  • ki-rins and unicorns are now untamable
    Any previously tamed will revert to being wild.

New Guard AI:

Old system vs New system:
The old criminality system was such that if you created a criminal act and an NPC saw it, you would get guard whacked. This is correct. But the system was broken such that if an NPC didn’t see you and you walked to within preceptive range of an NPC, the NPC would notice your criminality and call guards. This has changed.

The new criminality system works similarly to the old system except the new system introduces a concept of the Scene Of The Crime. Now, only NPCs that are in preceptive range of the SOTC may call guards. If you manage to pull off a criminal act and there is no NPCs around to witness it, you are scot-free. i.e., If you perform a criminal act and initially get away with it, walking within in preceptive range of NPCs won’t get you guard whacked.

In a nutshell: if you weren’t at the SOTC, then STFU, you don’t know what you are talking about.

What is being “caught”?
Being caught is simply that game mechanic that allows an NPC to see you commit the crime. Without this game mechanic, no NPC would ever see you. Being caught is also the player equivalent of seeing the action, and therefore granting them the ability to call guards.

The exception to this rule is (if caught) the Player that was the target of the crime, or nearby witnesses (Players that see the message "You notice Adam Ant trying to steal from Lucy") can still call guards on you.

If you were not ‘caught’ stealing, and the player shouts “Guards” either on a macro, or they actually saw the item disappear from their inventory, the guards will ignore you, since it was a successful steal and you have no proof of who did it.

Britannian Ranger vs Town Guard:
While Rangers and Guards both work for Lord British, Rangers attack criminals on sight, while Guards wait for any of: player calling guards, an NPC calling guards, or you were ‘caught’ for instance trying to seal something.
Being ‘caught’ is a special type of failed attempt where guards are notified of your failed attempt, and you will be on their ‘candidate list’ for 15 seconds. (standard OSI.)
What’s different is that after the 15 seconds is over, you are still guard-whackable for the full duration of your criminal action timer. The good news here is that if no NPC saw the action, and the players don’t call “Guards!”, you may freely roam the city.

New Messages:
If you are criminal/Red and are able to walk out of town. You will no longer get the message “You have left the protection of the town guards”, you will now receive the message "You are now scot-free!"

Murders, those with 5 or more long-term murder counts may move about town as long as they are not seen. With Murderers, there is no SOTC. Any NPC will immediately call guards if they see you. Rangers, unlike guards, won’t attack a murderer unless they commit a criminal act (like attacking an innocent player.)

Last edited by Adam Ant; 08/24/2021 9:08 PM.